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54 Journal Square Plaza, Jersey City, NJ 07306

How much does the FOL make?

“I read that the people that work for the Loew’s make $90,ooo a year. Is that true?”

Friends of the Loew’s has only two employees: Pattie Giordan and Colin Egon. A recent statement by City Spokeswoman Jennifer Morrill indicated that they each made $90k a year. This is patently false.

Pattie Giordan: $45,000 annual salary

Pattie was hired as a manager. She does not receive overtime pay or health insurance.. Pattie volunteered for the Loew’s for 20 years before becoming FOL’s first employee in 2007. She has not received a raise since.

Colin Egan: $45,000 annual salary

Colin was hired just a little over a year ago. He does not receive overtime pay or health insurance. Colin had helped to lead efforts to save the Loew’s beginning in 1987 and is a founder of Friends of the Loew’s. In 1994, the JCEDC put him in charge of the grant-funded stabilization work. After FOL leased the Loew’s, Colin left JCEDC but continued to work on behalf of the Loew’s as a volunteer until he was hired in 2013.


As mangers, each employee works significant overtime, mostly on weekends without extra pay. The information about FOL’s employees is public record. FOL’s 990 IRS Forms can be reviewed on GuideStar.

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